First Person – Distant

Paul and I hovered on the spacepad, looking out to the lush surroundings beyond the spaceport.

Isis was inside a carriage drawn by six white horses and peering out towards us. She lifted her arm and waved.

I waved back and headed in. “We won’t see such beauty again for some time.”

Paul waved, followed me in and a crewmember sealed the hatch and us inside the ranger. He said, “We’ll be cooped up in here for some time, Glenn. At least it’s a decent size.”

The ranger was sixty-nine metrons in length, fifty metrons high, and fifty wide. It had a sharp nose that could detach with fully independent systems for two.

I headed down the main central passage and touched a GELpad. “Tell the pilot we are ready to go.”

“Yes, sir,” the voice through the comms sounded.

I headed to my cabin and left Paul to his own devices.

Here we can see there are no mention of feelings or thoughts. You can only surmise what’s going on with the character “Glenn” by what he says and what he does. If Glenn was in a bad mood I might say from Glenn’s ‘distant’ perspective:-

I gave the comms voice the finger as I headed to my cabin.

“What’s with you?” Paul asked.

I ignored him to leave him to his own devices, stomping down the corridor and slamming the hatch closed. I punched in my security code and ordered all ranger wide announcements to leave me alone.

Not only do I use an action to show something is wrong but Paul raises Glenn’s behavior. I use words such as “stomp” and “punch” and language that matches his mood “to leave me alone” rather than “announcements to be turned off unless urgent”.

Compare this to First Person – Close