B b b b bad

Be a Bad Bad Storyteller Yep, you heard me. If you want to keep writing, and this is where the stubbornness comes in that I spoke of last post, you must keep writing even when in a bad mood. BUT don’t do any editing! At least not without making a copy – hack away at…

Stay The Course and Write

So you have the writer’s bug but don’t have the time. I’ve found myself in that position and have decided to write more microfiction and short stories. It would be easy to give up that thing that drives me to enrich my life. I’m lucky though, my addiction to write is cheap, resources are easily…

Be a good storyteller

As a writer you will need to make choices in how you tell a story and one way is by just doing it. Microfiction can help you with that skill. It can be easy to forget why you are writing when you are working on a full length novel. Try some shorter pieces to work…

The Independent Author

Hi writers of fiction! Let’s cut to the chase. Here are the objectives for my first free online course on my website. I’ll make pages later on as well. Writer’s Toolbox Lesson One – PDF 1Lesson1ContentandObjectives Lesson Two – PDF 2Lesson1Introduction